Effort, Awareness & JOY

A Day-Long Iyengar Yoga Retreat

Saturday, August 10th

In his book, Tree of Yoga, BKS Iyengar describes the yoga practioner’s journey from effortful effort to deepening awareness, to a joyful presence. During this daylong retreat, we’ll explore this process.

Participants will learn how to bring balanced effort to their practice, where to focus attention to deepen awareness and how this process cultivates equipoise and inner contentment.

Immerse yourself in a day dedicated to the enriching practice of Iyengar Yoga. This daylong retreat offers a holistic journey through asana, pranayama, and an enlightening exploration of yoga philosophy. Engage in meaningful discussions and reflective sessions that inspire a deeper connection with your practice and with other like-minded yoga practioners.


  • 9:30 am – 11:30 am — Setting Intentions/Morning Yoga Practice
  • 11:30-2:00 pm – Lunch/Optional Hike/Relaxation time
  • 2:15-2:45 – Discussion/Reflection
  • 2:45-4:00 – Restorative Yoga /Pranayama

Pricing – $99 Early Rate through 8/3, 

$120 Thereafter

Pre-requisites: Students should be familiar with foundational poses and have a regular practice.